Life insurance
Not only can life insurance take care of your family's mortgage and help them maintain their current standard of living in the event of the death of you or your partner, it can also safeguard more specific aspects of life. From protecting your children's education to looking after your partner's retirement, we've got a life insurance product that will help you take care of what's most important to you.
Term Assurance
Simple life cover offering high levels of protection at a low cost.
- The most affordable life cover available
- You can choose an amount of cover that suits your financial needs.
- Available for individuals up to the age of 65
Vision for Life
Your window into the world of international investments.
- Investment plan combined with attractive life cover to meet your financial needs.
- Maximum flexibility to vary benefits, premiums or protection
- Facility to make partial withdrawals and loans
- Opportunity to use maturity value to buy a life long pension
- Generous loyalty bonuses
- 5 year no lapse guarantee
Income Growth Plan
Flexible life cover with high returns on your savings
- Unique plan combining life cover with savings to meet your future financial needs
- Guaranteed 25% bonus on your savings
- Partial withdrawals and loan facilities to support you during financial emergencies.
- Ability to waive premiums in the event of disability
Three Payments Plan
Savings and protection plan that gives you payouts before maturity
- Combined savings and protection plan
- Plan with guaranteed investment returns.
- High level of life protection.
- Pays out specific amounts before maturity to meet your interim financial needs.
Financial security for your family
Providing for your family & business
Our range of products for individuals